Possible songs

This song choice could be suitable for our project because it has a clear narrative which could be seen as relate-able to our audience, the artist being of the same age. Although there is no drums in the song to create a more prominent beat, the guitar alongside the vocals creates a noticeable rhythm. although there a faults with the criteria the song should follow, I believe to create a video for this could be interesting. It allows us to definitely incorporate performance elements into the video as well.

This song choice I believe is most suitable for this project. I have decided this from comparing criteria to the song itself. It includes a clear lyrical narrative but also has a fluent change in rhythm and sections throughout, which enables us to establish a change in video or visual, the rhythm of the song around 2 minutes in would help make an interesting visual because its complex. The song has a clear use of crescendo, with this it would help us make a more emotive or impact moment in visual. With the genre that this song is included in, it is a normality to feature clips of performance also, this being the biggest bonus to using it. The only weakness found with this song choice is the length, however we believe it would not be hard at all to simply fade it out by around the 3 minute mark.

This track is of a completely different genre to the other chosen two, however it similarly has aspects that would be perfect and fit exactly to the criteria. It includes a beat that would be ideal to cut shots to. An issue with this song is the slow fade intro, and how we would at times relate video to song. I believe it would be difficult to have an element of performance in the video also. The most appealing aspect of the song when focusing on creating the video is the alternative beat and change in the song, especially when it goes into the chorus part of the song, this could be interesting to cut to and in fact open us up to using a variety of editing techniques in my opinion .

The last and final song choice by the same artist again, is although a lower quality recording, matches the same criteria as the past choice. It includes a steady drum beat, emphasised by the use of percussion. This also connects to the many changes in the song, with a crescendo like build up to the chorus then creating a bridge like suspense of the song at around 2:30 minutes in adds an emotive tone in my opinion. The lyrics although with some slurred words have a clear narrative, making this a definite potential.
