Description and analysis of narrative in our music video

The music video we produced for systems by the artist Harvey Causon can be described as a non-linear narrative and with this it is prominent that the video does not follow a chronological story or plot. The production includes a variety of theorists ideas, including Barthes theory of narrative codes, the symbolic code established by the location or the beach and being surrounded by the calmness of the sea. The Proairetic code is used throughout the video, this being shown at the beginning of the video with the entrance to it being on a train and the variation of movement from transport and walking moving the video on. Using such variety of devices in the video it can be seen as narratologically interesting, the structure is focused around the variation of shots and locations being completely symbolic of the character's minds. The main focus of the production is to be aesthetically pleasing, this bringing the production together in an impressionist way, and allowing the audience to see it from their personal perspective.
